Sunday, September 7, 2008

Multiple Nuclei Model

  • Created by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in 1945
  • Theory formed on the idea that people have greater movement due to increased car ownership
  • Similar industries with common land use and financial requirements are established near eachother
  • Manila, Phillipenes

Sector Model

  • Created by economist Homer Hoyt in 1939
  • Allows for outward progression of growth
  • Zones spread out along transport routes such as highways and railroads
  • Can be applied to Calgary, Canada

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Concentric Zone Model

  • Created by sociologist Ernest Burgess in 1925
  • The idea that the centre of town is retail then out from that manufacturing then residential
  • As the city grows, the different areas expand outwards
  • Based on city of Chicago

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Northgate, Waiwhakaiho Road Improvement

Primary Data: 1. Waiting times at Northgate and Waiwhakaiho - through investigation at certain times and areas. 2. Car counts at peak times compared to last year's transit survey and current authorised maximum traffic volumes - through tallies of cars at key points. 3. Assessing possible solutions and their effects on the community.

Secondary Data: Transit, New Plymouth District Council, Newspaper articles on topic in Taranaki Daily News and N. Taranaki Midweek.

Possible Problems: Not having enough time, Not finding enough information, Different data between primary and secondary.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Deforestation in the Amazon

Sunday, May 11, 2008

three types of human land use in the amazon drainage basin are: 1. logging,  2. farming, and 3. mining.

1. logging is a major problem not only for brazil and surrounding countries but for the entire world through global warming and ethical issues. Only a small portion of the bush in Amazonia is viable to log yet all of it is destroyed to reach these rarities.

2. Farming is also dangerous to the Amazon basin as areas are cleared for logging, farmed for a few years and then abandoned when the soils are ruined.

3. Mining is another land use of the Amazon. Companies exploit the natural resources and leave the mining site as a desolate landscape unable to regenerate.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Snow Sports is one type of human use in the South Island High Country. This suits this landscape because 1; there is a lot of snow in the winter, 2; it is steep enough for skiers and snowboarders and 3; it is relatively close to major towns and cities including Dunedin, Christchurch and Queenstown.
The Snow industry has changed the natural landscape by 1; having to build roads that cut through the national park and large car parks, 2; having to build a lot of ski lodges on the mountain slopes and 3; having to build gondalas to high reaches of the mountain that interupt the  scenery

Sunday, February 17, 2008


mt taranaki/egmont is a volcano with symetrical sides that steepen with height. it is 2517 metres above sea level with different features. the top 1/3 is an alpine landscape of scree and past lava flows which is often covered by snow and ice in the winter months, there is no soil. the middle 1/3 includes mosses, grasses and small alpine plants, there is a small amount of soil. the bottom 1/3 is thick native forest that is progressivly smaller in height with altitude, there is fertile soil here. outside the circular national park is farmland with flat to rolling relief that features fertile soils from past volcanic eruptions.
the climate is temperate at about 15-25 degrees celcius lowering 6 degrees per 1000 metres. the summers are warm and dry and the winters are cold and wet with a very changeable climate especially at higher altitudes.